发布时间: 2017-07-29                 浏览次数: 336
题目:On the mechanisms of nectar synthesis and secretion in the dicots
主讲:Clay Carter
主讲人简介:Clay Carter is an Associate Professor in the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology at the University of Minnesota. He has been studying the biochemistry of floral nectars and the molecular mechanisms of nectar production for nearly 20 years. His talk will focus on results from a new comparative genomics project.


题目:Licensing and managing e-resources for academic institutions

主讲:Sunshine Carter


主讲人简介:Sunshine Carter is the Electronic Resources Librarian and Manager of the E-Resource Management Unit at the University of Minnesota Libraries. Sunshine is interested in the ecosystem of e-resources from licensing to cancellation. She often present on the topics of troubleshooting, licensing and managing e-resources for academic institutions.